Archive for December, 2023

Would You Take This Male Birth Control Pill?

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Where is the birth control pill for men? This is something we’ve been hearing is “just around the corner” for years. Now, a new study in Nature holds some interesting promise. Here’s how it works and why it matters…

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How Does the Birth Control Pill Work and is it Safe to Use | Planned Parenthood Video

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If you’re thinking about going on the pill, you may have questions. What do birth control pills do? Are birth control pills safe? Here’s all the info on how to use birth control pills.

Check out our other Birth Control videos:
The Birth Control Ring –
The Birth Control Shot –
The Birth Control Implant –

To learn more about the Birth Control Pill, visit


The birth control pill is safe and super simple: you swallow one tiny pill every day and that’s it — you’re protected from pregnancy. But you have to take it every day, so use an alarm or app to help you remember. And the pill doesn’t prevent the spread of STDs, so use condoms along with the pill to help protect yourself from both pregnancy and STDs.

Like other medications, the pill has possible side effects, but they usually go away in the first few months. It has lots of benefits too. The pill can clear up acne, ease cramps, and make your periods lighter and more regular. Want to get on the pill? Your nearest Planned Parenthood health center can hook you up.

Morijah – Alpha & Omega (Audio Officiel)

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Morijah - Alpha & Omega (Audio Officiel)

Écoutez l’album “1er Amour” ici :

Couplet 1 :

Tout peut parfois ne pas me sourire Je sais ! hum
Seigneur au-delà des mes peines
Je te fais confiance
Car tu es la semence de vie Celui pour qui je porte des fruits Et tu emmènes a l’existence C’qui est impossible

Refrain :

Toi t’es mon Alpha
Et mon Omega
Celui qui sait commencer et terminer Celui qui relève de la boue
Et donne un avenir

Couplet 2 :

Tu sais élever et abaisser eh Seigneur tu calmes les tempêtes qui se lèvent en moi
au son de ta voix
mon âme reprend courage
tu parles aux os desséchés
ils reprennent vie
tu as déclaré pour moi
que tout est accomplit
seigneur jamais tu ne faillis
A chaque épreuve tu m’éblouis ooh

Refrain :

Toi t’es mon Alpha
Et mon Omega
Celui qui sait commencer et terminer Celui qui relève de la boue
Et donne un avenir
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