Emergency contraceptive pills is called as LNG or the levonorgestrel which is taken within 3 days or 72 hours of unprotected sexual activity, Basically your expect a period after emergency contraceptive pills, maximum is say 2 weeks or 15 days. But there are times when you do not get a period after that, so such a case with negative urine pregnancy test, it doesn’t mean that it is a side effects of a pill. It just means that the emergency contraceptive pills, would have been taken very early that is early in the cycle and she would have taken. So there is nothing much to bleed. She would have spotted which she wouldn’t have realized, so there is nothing much to bleed. Second is complication of the pills, that is absent bled, so wait for couple of weeks, it will come, wait for few weeks If it doesn’t come then give a small hormonal pill and get a withdrawal bleed. so if the pregnancy test is negative, both the urine and the blood tests, then there is no periods after the emergency contraceptive pills, there is nothing to worry, just get it normally with a delayed period, withdraw it with a hormone and get it.
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