Countryfile were granted exclusive access to British Sugar’s licenced cannabis grow that takes up 45 acres (23 football pitches). It is the largest greenhouse structure in the UK. It is a unique set up utilising the CO2 waste from the sugar beet processing when making the 50% of the UK’s annual sugar intake – kind of makes cannabis a part of everyones life now if you think about it!

Whilst this might be amazing, you can’t help but look at this without thinking about the people that are getting raided and arrested for growing their own medicine. THC doesn’t need to be demonised, 50% of GW Pharmaceuticals first medication, Sativex is THC so it can’t be that bad or useless!

We must keep fighting for the #Right2Grow and be heard about how important it is for us to grow our own medicine if we want to. Therre aren’t many British people that will be recieving a bottle of medicine that this CBD will be put into.

Head over to for a wide selection of CBD seeds if you are sick of the injustice of “one rule for them” and another for us!


To support the UK Cannabis Social Clubs campaign for the #Right2Grow visit
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