How do vitamins work? – Ginnie Trinh Nguyen

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Vitamins are the building blocks that keep our bodies running; they help build muscle and bone, capture energy, heal wounds and more. But if our body doesn’t create vitamins, how do they get into our system? Ginnie Trinh Nguyen describes what vitamins are, how they get into our bodies — and why they are so crucial.

Lesson by Ginnie Trinh Nguyen, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio.

Natural health products & cancer treatment

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This talk was recorded at the September 2016 Patient Education Evening on Colorectal Cancer.

Dr. Mark Pasetka, a pharmacist with the Odette Cancer Centre, presented on the safety and how effective some vitamin supplements, natural and herbal products are during cancer treatment.
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Vestige Health Care Product ko sahi tareeke se lena seekhiye || Correct way of taking Vestige health care Products

Due to less information and lack of proper knowledge you can face problem with vestige product, I have explained the right way to take the vestige health care product so that you can take maximum benefit from these products.

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Vitamins: do you need supplements?

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Should we be taking vitamin and mineral supplements? There is, unfortunately, no simple answer. Registered dietitian Daphna Steinberg says that for most adults under 50, a balanced diet is the best place to start, rather than the vitamin aisle. Rather than trying to guess what’s best for you, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or registered dietitian to know for sure!

What is Vitamin B? Today Tyler talks about the b-complex family of vitamins. There are quite a few out there, so tune in and dig into the details. In this video we talk about water soluble vitamins, the foods that provide respective nutrients for the b-complex family and more.

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Vitamins and Supplements: An Evidence-Based Approach

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(Visit: Dr. Jeffrey Tice, UCSF Department of Medicine, looks at vitamin use and the benefits and harms from these dietary supplements. Series: “UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine presents Mini Medical School for the Public” [11/2013] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 25642]

♥ Sophias | Supplement Stack | Welche Nahrungsergänzungen? ♥

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Hallo ihr Lieben!

ACHTUNG: Ich will in diesem Video keine Werbung für Supplements machen. Supplements können einen positiven Effekt haben, dieser fällt meistens geringer aus als angegeben.
Man merkt auch nur dann einen Unterschied wenn die Ernährung und das Training bereits darauf ausgelegt sind eine körperliche Veränderung zu erzielen.
Bei Proteinpulvern möglichst bei etablierten Herstellern einkaufen, der Protein / Kohlenhydrate / Fett Anteil wird oft falsch dargestellt und große Marken können sich keinen Skandal erlauben.
Generell empfehle ich euch Zink, Vitamin D3 und Omega 3 ( Als Vegetarier bzw. Veganer auch Vitamin B12) zu ergänzen.

Ich hoffe das Video hat euch gefallen und ich würde mich wie immer sehr über einen Daumen hoch und ein Abo freuen 🙂

Viel Spaß!
Eure Sophia 🙂

Werbung: Und wer mit mir gemeinsam trainieren möchte, das geht jetzt hier ►

Und hier findet ihr noch das letzte Video falls ihr es noch nicht gesehen habt:

Mehr Videos von mir findet ihr auf Ercans Channel:
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Here are the Supplements, I use for a BULK. Not promoting any brands here. This is just what I use personally, sharing with you guys. I have not mentioned the basic multivitamins and stuff. you can check it out here.

WHEY- After workout
CREATINE – after workout (mix with whey, 5 gm, no loading)
BCAA- intra workout (for flavouring the water)


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FitMuscleTV is a health and Fitness channel. Through FitMuscleTV we aim to break the myths of Fitness and Bodybuilding and provide true Knowledge to people which Fitness Guru’s have been hiding till now.

Started By Gaurav Taneja. Gaurav is a International Certified Nutritionist and a Personal Trainer and a National level professional Bodybuilder. He has written many articles/blogs over a period of time which has been appreciated for its content and TRUTH.

Gaurav is a graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology,Kharagpur. Graduated in 2008, he has been closely involved with Health and Fitness since 2002.

Gaurav is also a Professional Pilot. He is a Captain with one of the major airlines in India.
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Remington Pharmaceuticals

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Remington Pharmaceuticals

Remington Pharmaceuticals is a specialist branded generics pharmaceutical company having a state-of-the-art US FDA & WHO GMP compliant manufacturing facilities with large capacities for manufacturing eye drops, tablets, capsules, syrups, dry suspensions, ointments, ear drops, and cephalosporins.

For more information, please visit our corporate website on

6 Best Natural Gym Supplements to Gain Muscle

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Our favorite supplements:

Creatine, Glutamine, BCAA’s, CLA, ZMA, Multivitamins

Buff Dudes / Fitness / Favorite Supplements
Starring: Brandon Myles White
Shot n’ Edited by: Hudson

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Griphop – ISRC: US-UAN-11-00413
Impact Intermezzo – ISRC: US-UAN-11-00620

Pixel Art By João Victor G. Costa (JinnDev)
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Today we are going to talk about 8 weight loss supplements that actually work.

Also, when talking about supplements for weight loss, there’s a lot of contradictory and scammy information out there!

But before that, here are 3 scams to watch out for:

Watch out for Celebrity Endorsement.

A common ploy I see is companies paying celebrities money to endorse supplements they don’t use or need.

Watch Out for Anything Hyped Out of Its Mind.

There are some wild claims about supplements these days. As a general rule of thumb, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.

Finally, Watch Out Proprietary Blends.

This a common way for supplement producers mask the amounts of quality ingredients in a supplement and use a lot of filler ingredients instead.

Ok, here are the 8 Weight Loss Supplements That Actually Work

1. Water

Before you start looking for expensive supplements and pills, make sure to get the basics right. Getting in 100oz of water a day will have a bigger weight loss impact than most realize. Water not only boosts one’s metabolism, but it also will keep you full making it easier to fight off those pesky sugar cravings.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine is a well known metabolism booster and is a common ingredient in commercial weight loss supplements. It’s most powerful effects come from the fact that it boosts the metabolism and can increase fat burning by up to 29%. You can get more caffeine in by drinking coffee or taking a caffeine pill.

3. Fish Oil

While taking more “omega 3 fatty acids” doesn’t scream “weight loss”, the enzymes they product can help initiate the fat burning process. More importantly, omega-3s are one of the most well researched and documented supplements of all time. They have been proven to help with blood flow, lowering triglyceride levels, reducing the effects of depression, and have many other benefits. Improving your overall health by supplementing with fish oil will help you body function more efficiently, which will help you lose weight!

4. Vitamin D

Known as the sunshine hormone, an estimated 85% of people in the US are deficient in vitamin D. This is probably due to the increase in technology and less outdoor activates people are participating in these days. And similar to fish oil, it’s one of the best supplements you can take.

It lowers the risk of certain cancers
Improves cognitive function in the elderly
Lowers the amount of fat mass on the body
Lowers blood pressure
Improves balance

Studies suggests that if you increase your levels of Vitamin D when starting a low-calorie diet, you’ll lose more weight, including in that stubborn belly region.

5. Protein Powder

Protein helps improve the metabolism, combat cravings, and reduce the loss of muscle when dieting. Keep protein powder on the go when you need a healthy meal, but there are no good options available.

6. Matcha Green Tea Powder

Green tea is a popular dietary supplement for weight loss because of the antioxidant EGCG, which can boost your metabolism during exercise. It comes in a powder form as opposed to loose or bagged tea leaves. Drink 2-4 cups daily for best effects.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is a powerful health and weight loss supplement proven to help:

Curb appetite
Improve skin health
Increases insulin sensitivity
Get better nutrient absorption for your food
And more

Mix with 8oz of water for best effects! And now for the weight loss supplement people mis…

8. Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms found in the gut that help process the food we eat. In fact, during a 3-month study, women taking the probiotics lost 50% more weight compared to the group taking a dummy pill (placebo). They also continued to lose weight during the weight maintenance phase of the study. The point is, your gut health matters and taking care of it with a healthy probiotic can really work wonders.

Those are the supplements for weight loss and the 8 best weight loss supplements that actually work!

Studies used:

Probiotic I Recommend:

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This is a cartoon info-mercial about mixing meds.
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Supplements for MMA Performance

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6 supplements you should use for MMA Performance:

1. Fish Oils
3: BCAA’s
4: Creatine
5: Salt
6: Caffeine

Fish Oils omega 3’s: Am/Pm 2-3grams of total omega 3s a day
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 1.2g
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 1.5g
1. Good for heart reduced cardiovascular disease
2. Lowers LDL increases HDL
3. Increases Adiponectin: a protein hormone which is involved in regulating glucose levels as well as fatty acid breakdown
4. Improved blood circulation
5. Boost memory
6. Faster muscle recovery: anti inflammatory properties
7. Fat metabolization: increases thermogenesis

BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids): 5g pre Intra Workout and post workout
Not produced in the body
1. Recovery from training
2. Increases protein synthesis (muscle building/saving)
3. Strength endurance increases
4.. Boosts energy throughout your workout
5. Good for maintaining muscle

Creatine: monohydrate
5g pre and post workout
1. Increases ATP production (the root of all energy sources)
2. May reduce the onset of traumatic brain injury and oxidative stress
3. Improves power endurance

Beta Alanine: 4-5g a day

1. Buffers lactic acid out to the muscle increasing anaerobic glycolysis
2. Improved moderate to high intensity training
3. Increases muscle endurance

Sodium: (salt) micronutrient
1. Helps increased blood volume which helps drive nutrients and oxygen to the cells increased muscle repair
2. Helps to increase stamina and endurance
3. Maintains water held into the muscles to promote strength and explosive power
4. Improves joint integrity and lubrication
5. Maintains regularity in electrolyte balance in the body reducing the risk of cramps or muscle tearing

200-400mgs before workout 40mgs post
1. Increases endurance and power output affects the nervous system by increasing neural drive
2. Increases epinephrine (adrenaline) your fight or fight response which can be crucial for focus and intensity
3. Increased motor cortex activity which drives muscles to contract at a higher rate
4. Spares muscle glycogen giving your body more overall endurance
5. Post workout caffeine helps drive glucose to the muscle (recovery)


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