How to “Pack on Mass Fast!”… (SUPPLEMENT)

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It is not uncommon for me to get asked how to pack on mass fast, especially when the person asking is a skinny hardgainer who has a hard time putting on weight. That said, when you combine that request with the additional desire to do this the “fastest way possible”. That complicates an already complicating situation and usually makes those asking look for unrealistic solutions. In this video, I’m going to share with you a situation that played out just the other day and underscore just how misleading the supposed “solution” can be.

First a little background on the story. A young high school student from the UK wrote to us and wanted to know “how to pack on mass the fastest way possible”. He claimed that he was underweight and really struggled to add muscle mass. He wanted to add significant size to his undersized body in time for his next sports season. This led him to looking into the prospect of taking a mass gainer shake. He wanted to know what my opinion was on the matter and what I would recommend he take.

Now, since my motivation is always to attempt to help first rather than sell, I did not try and push my supplements or any other on him. Instead, I told him to watch the video I did on mass gainers and weight gainer powders. I provided him with the link to the video and told him that there was valuable information in there to help him reach a decision about focusing instead on real quality food rather than relying on a bottle of supplements at this point.

He countered by saying that while he did watch the video, he felt that he came upon a mass gainer that was not like the rest of them. This one was good he said. I requested he send over the nutrition facts on the supplement so I could do a rare review of the product and see if I could validate his claims of this being superior.

What I uncovered was not at all surprising really, but it is no less disappointing. What looks to be a weight gainer with 51 grams of protein and 40 servings per bottle is no more than a sugar and fat loaded supplement that is providing a 6 day supply when used as directed to obtain your protein and calories you thought you were buying it for in the first place.

This is just one of the many games that supplement manufacturers will play with their customers that not only pisses me off, but led me to creating my own line in the first place. You simply just don’t know what is in your supplements these days, and when you add in the fact that many product creators are willing to try and play word games with their labels in an effort to potentially mislead the consumer into thinking the supplement is far better than it is…I have a problem with that.

If you are looking for a supplement lineup that is not only tested and trusted but is used by today’s top professional athletes in all 4 major sports as well as the WWE and UFC, head to and check out the ATHLEAN-Rx supplements. Supplementation is not necessary for everyone however. If you are not willing to clean up your diet and nutrition plan but want to look for a shortcut solution in a bottle, it’s not going to work. There will never be a substitute for hard work.

For more videos on creatine, beta alanine, and the best supplements for building muscle and getting ripped, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at
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Vestige Health Supplements CANCER Patients Ke Liye || Dosage Ke Sath ||

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Vestige Health Supplements CANCER Patients Ke Liye || Dosage Ke Sath ||

Janiye Cancer ke marijon ko hum kaun se Vestige Health Supplements de sakte hai aur unki dosage kya honi chahiye….full detail.

Vestige me shamil hone ke liye 8318522466 pe sampark karein.
Wish You Wellth..!

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Clean Room Design in Pharmaceuticals

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Hey lovely people!!

These are the supplements I personally take. DISCLAIMER: Please inform a doctor about the supplements you take and want to take before you give them a go! Read all instructions and ingredients. This is what I personally take it is not a recommendation for you.

Please note I am a women best ambassador. I do have a code but gain no commission from it.: krissy10





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This video is NOT sponsored. All your love and support Is forever appreciated and it helps me continue to produce as much content as possible to help you and your fitness journey because I love you always and forever!
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Tarun Gill is India’s most powerful fitness influencer with a strong and effective social media presence. His honesty and uncanny knack of speaking his mind has got him over 400,000 YouTube subscribers in just nine months. Tarun is the classic Indian example of how one can make a successful career simply by being honest and transparent on social media.

He is a Founder of India’s biggest fitness TV reality show, Indian Fitness league (IFL), handpicking talented, fit Indians across the country and promoting them both digitally and on television.

He is also a creator of successful YouTube fitness channel and founder of TG Connect, an event based platform to recognise underprivileged and needy athletes
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Diese Supplements brauchst du wirklich!!

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Powered by BODY IP Nutrition
Im heutigen Video verrate ich euch warum ihr keine Supplements braucht, diese aber aus mehreren Gründen sinnvoll sein können.
► Simons Supplements

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► Simon nackt und ohne Cappy

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Leider hat das Kreatin noch gefehlt, aber das reiche ich noch in einem anderen Video nach 😉

Dein individuelles Trainings und Ernährungssystem starte jetzt und verlier keine Zeit mehr! :

Snapt uns: timgabel95 | inscopenico

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It will be a huge turn over in the pharmacist life or career of a pharmacist, if he try to fix his skills and passion to crate an android app which acts as a communicator between patient and physician for easy access of services.

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