Archive for the tag: &amp

How to Take the Contraceptive Pill (Women & Partners) – Family Planning Series

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By Global Health Media Project:

The contraceptive pill can prevent pregnancy if it’s taken correctly and you know what to do if you miss a pill. This video shows and tells how to start the pill, how to take it, and what to do if you miss a pill.

Copyright © 2021 Global Health Media Project. All rights reserved.
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Alpha Omega – Athoms & Nadège – PCC Music

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“ Alpha Omega “ avec les pasteurs Athoms & Nadège Mbuma en direct
depuis Paris Centre Chrétien.

↗️ ABONNEZ-VOUS pour ne manquer aucune de nos vidéos 🔔

👉🏼 Suivez nous :
🔸Notre Eglise: 🔗 🔗


Paroles :

Tu as placé les étoiles au commencement de l’univers, Alpha
Oh rien ne peut être créé si tu n’as pas encore parlé, Alpha
Avant qu’Abraham ne fut, tu es, Oh! Alpha

Mon Seigneur, tu sais comment commencer
À faire naître en moi tes louanges

Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
Le Dieu de tout temps
Qui conduit mes pas
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega

Tu as compté tous mes pas depuis le sein de ma mère, Alpha
Ton amour a précédé mes efforts de sainteté, Alpha
L’auteur de l’histoire de nos vies, Oh! Alpha
Mon Sauveur, tu sais comment commencer
Une histoire jamais imaginée
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
Le Dieu de tout temps
Qui conduit mes pas
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
Tant qu’il n’a pas encore parlé
Je me fous des mots des hommes
J’attends Omega

Souvent, le voleur vient en premier
Et le sauveur en dernier
Il s’appelle Omega

Tant qu’il y a de la vie dans mon corps
Et que tu n’en as pas décidé
Je n’ai pas peur

Car aucun homme n’a le chrono
Qui décide la fin de mon parcours

Même quand ma chair me lâcherait, mon espoir s’en irait
J’attendrai Omega
Je courrai jusqu’au bout mon parcours jusqu’à la ligne
Où m’attend Omega
Même en dernier lieu, Il se lève pour moi
En rédempteur qui me défend
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
Le Dieu de tout temps
Qui conduit mes pas
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega
Même quand ma chair me lâcherait, mon espoir s’en irait,
J’attendrai Omega
Je courrai jusqu’au bout mon parcours jusqu’à la ligne
Où m’attend Omega

Alpha Omega

Copyrights : Gael Ministries

#athomsmbuma #alphaomega #pccmusic #nadegembuma
Video Rating: / 5

Morijah – Alpha & Omega (Audio Officiel)

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Morijah - Alpha & Omega (Audio Officiel)

Écoutez l’album “1er Amour” ici :

Couplet 1 :

Tout peut parfois ne pas me sourire Je sais ! hum
Seigneur au-delà des mes peines
Je te fais confiance
Car tu es la semence de vie Celui pour qui je porte des fruits Et tu emmènes a l’existence C’qui est impossible

Refrain :

Toi t’es mon Alpha
Et mon Omega
Celui qui sait commencer et terminer Celui qui relève de la boue
Et donne un avenir

Couplet 2 :

Tu sais élever et abaisser eh Seigneur tu calmes les tempêtes qui se lèvent en moi
au son de ta voix
mon âme reprend courage
tu parles aux os desséchés
ils reprennent vie
tu as déclaré pour moi
que tout est accomplit
seigneur jamais tu ne faillis
A chaque épreuve tu m’éblouis ooh

Refrain :

Toi t’es mon Alpha
Et mon Omega
Celui qui sait commencer et terminer Celui qui relève de la boue
Et donne un avenir
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Health Information, Products & Services

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— Created using Powtoon — Free sign up at — Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon’s animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
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Hormones Involved In Birth Control & Fertility Treatment | Biology | FuseSchool

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In this video we are going to look at how these hormones can be used in contraception and compare them to non-hormonal methods. We are also going to look at the use of hormones in treating infertility.

Female fertility is controlled by hormones, this means that knowledge of these hormones can be used to increase (fertility treatment) or decrease (contraception) the chances of fertilisation and pregnancy.

FSH causes the egg to mature in the ovary, so if we can stop the production of FSH happening then we can prevent pregnancy happening. And we already know that oestrogen prevents the production of FSH, so contraceptive pills just need to contain oestrogen. Progesterone also can act as a contraceptive; it makes the mucus in the uterus very thick and so sperm cannot get through to the egg to fertilise it.

Pills are either oestrogen only, combined oestrogen and progesterone or nowadays there is a mini-pill which is progesterone only. Early contraceptive pills contained much higher amounts of oestrogen. This caused quite significant side effects, such as weight gain, mood and blood pressure. More modern pills contain much less oestrogen, and some are even just progesterone. Progesterone is a lot more gentle on the body; oestrogen pills make the body think it is in a permanent state of pregnancy. Oral contraceptives are great in many ways. They give people the freedom to choose when to have a child, and when to not have children. But as mentioned above, even the more modern versions can cause side effects in people. There is also an increased risk of developing blood clots. So they are not perfect, and so people do seek out other methods of contraception instead.

Inter-uterine devices (IUDs) or coils are another contraceptive option. They must be fitted by a doctor, and have spermicidal properties and prevent implantation.

Or there are also contraceptive implants which work by releasing progesterone into the body and last for 3 years. Whereas the contraceptive injections also make use of progesterone, but they only last for between 8 and 13 weeks.

Non-hormonal methods of contraception include condoms and other barrier methods which stop the sperm from reaching the ovum. How effective these methods of contraception are depends on whether you use it correctly. The IUDs and implants are great because they do not have human error; you cannot forget to take it or put it on. If taken correctly, the contraceptive pill is over 99% effective. But you need to take it at a similar time each day, and remember to take it daily.

Other than condoms and barrier methods, all forms of contraceptives come with differing side effects and girls should consider the different options when deciding which one suits them best.

So that is how we use our knowledge of hormones to prevent pregnancy. But what about helping women conceive?

Some women don’t produce enough FSH to allow their eggs to mature, and so have difficulty becoming pregnant. Fertility drugs contain FSH and also LH, which stimulate the eggs to mature in the ovary. Remember that LH causes the mature egg to be released from the ovary. Because fertility drugs contain FSH and LH, this can cause multiple eggs to be released and so increases the chances of multiple conceptions; twins or even triplets. Fertility treatments do increase a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant, but it is not 100% assured and there can be other factors to consider.

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How to Get OPGG for Garena & Other Servers (OPGG EXTENSION INSTALLATION GUIDE)

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Hey guys this video will show how to get OPGG EXTENSION to your Google Chrome! It works for any servers including Garena! So you can enjoy playing League of Legends and know more in the Champ Select!

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Yo guys Aatrixx here, so today’s video is a short one focusing on and how to use it effectively to climb elo, this method is very common for smurfs in order for them to climb really easily with no effort required aside from their own mechanics ofcourse. I hope you all enjoy today”s video and if you have questions let me know. I will be streaming so come watch me live.

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▶[LAST VID]: This is why Talon Conqueror is Broken…

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Hope you enjoyed and please subscribe, like and comment your thoughts. Thank you!

Write #ShadowGang if u read this.

#LeagueofLegends #Challenger #Midlane
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Attraction Marketing Examples For Health & Wellness and Beauty Products Online

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Here’s how to get to know your target audience and perfect customer:

How To Find Your Perfect Customer Online

How To Use Attraction Marketing In the Health and Wellness Niche:

I will use 2 different products to exemplify how to use attraction marketing in the health and wellness niche, but first I just want to add this:

In the health and wellness niche, you sell products such as energy drinks, weight loss and nutritional products, skin care and beauty products….

And what many people will do to market and sell their health and wellness products, is to:

list and talk about all the amazing ingredients in it

the scientific studies behind the product formula

and why their product is so much superior than the competitor’s product XYZ.

To create content about the specific products and the features is NOT what attraction marketing is about.

If this is the kind of content you share on your blog, Facebook Page, on YouTube and other Social Media channels – this will NOT attract high quality prospects to you.

Because your prospects are – at this point – not interested in the details of your specific product.

They don’t see why your product should be any better than other similar products, and they don’t like to be pitched, especially not on Social Media.

They hang out on Social Media mainly to be entertained, but also to read about things that interests them and to find answers to questions and problems they may have.

So to use attraction marketing, you want to ATTRACT an audience to you of high quality prospects with content THEY find interesting, engaging and helpful.

This could be general health and wellness topics about healthy eating, healthy recipes, skin care tips, healthy habits and exercise.

You can share tips about how to stay healthy, how to keep in shape, exercises that boost energy, how to get rid of belly fat, and so forth.

You want to give your audience useful tips and advice and help them solve problems they have.

If you share content that is interesting and useful for your specific audience, then your audience is also likely to BUY what you recommend – and they will also SHARE it with their friends!
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For the third way I mentioned in the video for how to make money selling health and weight loss products, check out this link:

In this tutorial I explain how to sell health products and how to make money selling wellness, health and weight loss products. First, you must sell the products on large ecommerce sites like Amazon, eBay and similar other sites. After you are able to make money by selling the wellness, health and weight loss products on Amazon, you can create your own website and sell from your own website.

This also applies for how to make money selling vitamins and how to make money selling supplenents.

If you want to learn more about how to sell and promote health, wellness and other products, check out all the marketing materials like my marketing book, apps, and courses on:

How to make money with Amazon and Kindle books:

Mobile app monetization:

Affiliate marketing course:

I hate my job. Should I quit my job and start a business?

How to sell a product online and in stores:

How to make money with ads:

How to make money with affiliate marketing:

How to make money on Fiverr:

Book on going from business ideas to starting a business:

Course on how to start a business:

Marketing strategy book to reach 1,000,000 people:

What is a sales funnel, and how to improve your sales funnel:

How to sell jewelry:

How to sell a food product:

Omega-3: Benefits, Drawbacks, & Supplement Tips

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What’s up with omega-3 fatty acids? More importantly, how can they impact your training? Coach Elizabeth covers the benefits, the drawbacks and general tips for supplementation.

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Autism & ADHD

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Autism & ADHD

Dr. Barry Sears explains how increasing Omega 3s in one’s diet may help reduce autism and ADHD.

Dr. Barry Sears is a leading authority on the impact of the diet on hormonal response, genetic expression, and inflammation. A former research scientist at the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Sears has dedicated his research efforts over the past 30 years to the study of lipids. He has published more than 30 scientific articles and holds 13 U.S. patents in the areas of intravenous drug delivery systems and hormonal regulation for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. He has also written 13 books, including the New York Times #1 best-seller “The Zone”. These books have sold more than 5 million copies in the U.S. and have been translated into 22 different languages.

For more, go to
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Heuse & Zeus x Crona – Pill (feat. Emma Sameth) [NCS Release]

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NCS: Music Without Limitations
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Chris Brown - Pills & Automobiles (Official Audio)

“Pills & Automobiles“ available everywhere now!
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Google –

Follow Chris Brown:

#ChrisBrown #PillsandAutomobiles #Vevo #RandB #OfficialAudio
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