Archive for the tag: contraceptive

Do bleeding after few days of emergency contraceptive indicate regular periods? – Dr. Shefali Tyagi

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Do bleeding after few days of emergency contraceptive indicate regular periods? - Dr. Shefali Tyagi

Emergency contraceptives are widely used nowadays and the tie you will want to use is probably when there is a breakage or slippage of condoms while having intercourse, or it is a fertile time and you have had unprotected intercourse and you have missed taking your pills, 2 to 3 days in a row. In those cases, emergency pills can be used to avoid becoming pregnant. Emergency contraceptive is not 100% safe. It can lead to pregnancy in 10% cases. That means it works upto 90%.In many women experience a little bleeding after consumption of Emergency contraceptive pills, usually 3 to 5 days after taking the pill. So you need not worry. But when will you have your next periods, that is a little difficult to answer as you will have bleeding in the middle. So the next periods can happen on the expected date of your last cycle or it can be a month from when the bleeding has happened. So you will have to wait and watch and if you have missed your periods, still do a pregnancy test, just to see that you have not conceived by chance and if it is positive, then be in touch with the doctor. If it is negative then wait on for a week or two and the consult your gynecologist.
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How to Take the Contraceptive Pill (Women & Partners) – Family Planning Series

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By Global Health Media Project:

The contraceptive pill can prevent pregnancy if it’s taken correctly and you know what to do if you miss a pill. This video shows and tells how to start the pill, how to take it, and what to do if you miss a pill.

Copyright © 2021 Global Health Media Project. All rights reserved.
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Pills to avoid pregnancy-72 hours|Emergency Oral Contraceptive Pill-Dr.H S Chandrika|Doctors' Circle

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Subscribe to – World’s Largest Health Platform दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हेल्थ प्लेटफार्म Know Your Doctor
Dr. H S Chandrika | Phone 📞: +919880003953 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist | Chirag Global Hospital, J P Nagar Phase 2, Bangalore, India | Registration No. 21194 Karnataka Medical Council, 1982
What is Emergency Contraceptive Pill or what is called as morning after pill?What is this Emergency Contraceptive Pill? See a couple has had sex without protection. So they are going to have the risk of becoming pregnant , which is unwanted. So for such cases we have to use emergency contraceptive because. Suddenly they want to have contraceptive effect the reason is they have to avoid becoming pregnant when it is not wanted. This is called as emergency contraceptive. So in emergency contraceptive there are a few methods. So one of the commonest is emergency contraceptive pill . So what is this emergency contraceptive? It is nothing but a heavy dose of progesterone hormone and this progesterone hormone is taken after you have had an unprotected sex. So this is to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. So in these cases we have to take the emergency conceptive tablet as early as possible after the act of unprotected sex preferably it should be taken at least 72 hours after the occurrence of the unprotected intercourse. So that we give heavy dose of progesterone and this heavy dose of progesterone is supposed to act in such a way that it will prevent the occurrence of ovulation. So that when the ovulation is prevented then the chances of becoming pregnancy is also prevented and because it is a very heavy dose of progesterone it will have its own side effects. The commonest side effect that it can have is severe amount of nausea and vomiting also. So what an obstetrician does when you go and ask him for an emergency contraception is we usually try to prescribe an anti-emetic. Antiemetic is taken and after a few hours after that antiemetic then we are asking them to take that emergency contraceptive pill. So that emergency contraceptive pills, we are going to take two doses. One dose will give and after a period of another 12 hours we are going to give one more dose. So this is one method of taking a conceptive method after the occurrence of an unprotected sex. So there is one more method by which we can prevent the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy in an unprotected sex. That is by insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device it drives what you call as copper T. So this copper T when you go to the obstetrician when you go that you are told that last night I have had an unprotected sex. Then we are going to introduce the intrauterine contraceptive device into the uterus. So it is like a foreign body which is introduced into the uterus and when there is a foreign body inside the uterus it will prevent denitation of a pregnant fetus into the womb. So that is the way it prevents the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. So these are all called as emergency contraceptive methods.

Emergency contraceptive pills | Unwanted pregnancy | Emergency contraceptive methods | Copper T | Emergency conceptive tablet | Morning after Pill | World Population Day | Emergency Contraceptive Pill after 15 days | Emergency Contraceptive Pills after 72 hours | Emergency Contraceptive Pill after ovulation | Bleeding after Emergency Contraceptive Pill | Emergency Contraceptive Pill fail | Emergency Contraceptive Pill side effects | Emergency Contraceptive Pill kaise use kare | Emergency Contraceptive Pill kya hai | Emergency Contraceptive Pill kab lena chahiye | Emergency Contraceptive Pill work


Side effects of consuming emergency contraceptive pills in excess – Dr. Nupur Sood

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As the term emergency contraceptive itself means that it should be used only in case of an emergency. It should not be used as a regular contraceptive. Second, as understood, it is a hormonal pill. So all hormonal pills do have certain types of side effects, so one should restrict using them as far as possible and use them only in case of certain conditions. There are problems such as delayed periods, irregular periods, irregular bleeding and weight gain that can happen in a long term basis by taking overconsumption of emergency contraceptive pills.
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Subscribe to – World’s Largest Health Platform दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हेल्थ प्लेटफार्म Know Your Doctor
Dr. Anuradha Lokare | Phone 📞+9108028482345 & 9483135356 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist | Purnam clinics, Thanisandra Main Road ,Hegde Nagar, Bangalore, India
Oral contraceptives pills or shortly called as OPCs they are widely misunderstood medicines. They have got lot of non-contraceptive benefits and use them in a gynae practice day to day with good results. In PCOS we use them mainly to regulate the cycles , to get monthly cycles. Some PCOS women have menorrhagia where they have lot of prolonged flow of menses to control that and also it controls hirsutism in the form of growing of the facial hair. Its good for cosmetic reasons and also we give it for pre treatment of infertility treatment. So many of the patients after we start them a course of OCPs and after stopping we have seen that 50% PCOD patients conceiving spontaneously and remaining patients its easy for us to start any sort of infertility management. So we do prefer OCPs in such patients with good effects.

PCOD | PCOD & PCOS | PCOD problem solution | OCPs in PCOD | Birth control pills for PCOS | Birth control pills in treating PCOD/PCOS | Oral contraceptive pills

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Are Emergency Contraceptive Pills Effective even after 72 hours? #AsktheDoctor

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Dr. Tara Devi, MBBS, MS (OBG), DNB, CCGDM, PGDMLE Gynecologist

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A contraceptive pill is 99% effective if taken according to the instructions given by a gynecologist. However, most people can sometimes forget or skip a pill or two. This means that about 9 out of 100 pill users can risk getting pregnant each year.

The efficacy of the pill largely relies on your efficiency in being able to follow the routine perfectly. Do not forget to take your pills daily, and start your pill packs on time.

Other conditions that may affect the efficacy of the pills:
Diarrhea for more than 48 hours (2 days) may affect pill efficacy
Pills have been known to lose efficacy in people who are overweight

Most people ask gynecologists, how long do birth control pills take to work?

The duration depends mainly on when you start taking them and what type of pills you’re using. You can start taking birth control pills any day of the month. However, it’s advisable to use condoms for at least a week as a backup.

This duration needed for the pills to start working also depends on the type of pills.
Combination contraceptive pills if taken within 5 days after the commencement of your period, will protect you from pregnancy right away. For example, if you get your period on a Sunday morning, then you can start the pill anytime till Friday morning.
If you start combination pills after the first 5 days, then you need to keep taking the pills for 7 days, before they will protect you from pregnancy.

Talk to a gynecologist online for more info about the different contraceptive pills and tips on using them.

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Birth Control Pills (Oral Contraceptive Pills) – Everything You Need To Know

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Combined oral contraceptive pill, also known as the birth control pill, is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains the synthetic versions of the two major female sexual hormones, estrogen, and progesterone.
The primary indication for combined oral contraceptive pills is to prevent pregnancy. Other uses include, treatment of menstrual pain. Irregular menstruation. Uterine fibroids. Endometriosis related pain. And menstruation related migraines. Potential health benefits of combined oral contraceptive pills include the following. Reducing iron deficiency anemia. Reducing premenstrual tension. Reducing benign breast tissues. Reducing functional ovarian cysts. And reducing the risk of endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancer.

#Birthcontrolpills #Oralcontraceptives #Medtoday

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When does one get period after contraceptive pills? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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If the patient is on oral contraceptive pills, then the pills are taken for 21 days, then 7 days pill free period, then 21 days pill period, then it goes on like that. So in this 7 days pill free period, the first day or the 7th day or any time in between will get the periods. So if the patient has taken the pill 21-7, 21-7, then the period will happen in those 7 days, then it is a consecutive pill, that is you have taken the pill without any gaps. So when you do that then there will be no period is between unless you have missed a pill of the consecutive 2 or 3 packets that you have taken and the periods will resume only when you have stopped the entire packets. So if it is consecutively taken then the periods will start only after stopping the consecutive packets or missing the pill or if it is intermittent it will happen in the 7 days when there is pill free period.

How to take an emergency contraceptive pill? – Dr. Apoorva P Reddy

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Pill is an emergency contraceptive pill which is available as over the counter medicine in India. It is the most commonly used emergency contraceptive pill available for us. The effectiveness of the medicines lies in the fact that it has to be taken in the right time and in the right method, and hence the effectiveness is on the maximum. The pill should be taken within 72 hours to having unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take it, the more effective it will be. So don’t wait for the cut off period of 72 hours to have them. The pill can be taken at any part or any period of the cycle of the day. The pill should be taken with small amounts of water and preferably after food to avoid the side effects like nausea, vomiting, mild gastritis. If you vomit, in 2 hours of taking the pill, then it is more likely that the pill is emited out, and you will have to take another pill as soon as possible. At this point of time, t is advised to take the pill with the medication to prevent any further episodes of vomiting. The side effects of pill are very rare and very mild. You may experience, mild abdominal cramps, dizziness, headache, but all of them goes off at 24 to 48 hours of duration of taking the pill. Although he pill doesn’t have any long term side effect you getting pregnant in the future. It is not advisable to use the emergency contraceptive pill on a routine basis for your routine basis. So use the pill wisely and have the maximum results out of it.
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Learn how to continuously use the Norimin contraceptive pill

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