Archive for the tag: Fish


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What is Pure Nutrition Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA?
Pure Nutrition USA Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA is a highly-absorbable and concentrated fish oil supplement containing evidence-based doses of the key omega-3 essential fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A multitude of clinical studies demonstrate that EPA and DHA are crucial for promoting healthy cardiovascular function, enhancing skin tissue, supporting joints, boosting immunity, and more.1,2

Why Should I Use Pure Nutrition Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA?
The major providers of EPA and DHA in the human diet are freshwater fish. However, eating fish is becoming more of a health concern due to noxious heavy metals and environmental toxins that accumulate in marine food sources. For simplicity and practicality, many people use a fish oil supplement to meet their daily EPA and DHA requirements without having to worry about eating fish.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are also present in foods almonds, flax seed, and oats, but the amount is minimal. As such, it’s to your benefit to use a fish oil supplement even if you eat a diet rich in foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

How Pure Nutrition USA Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA Works
Omega-3 supplements contain a key polyunsaturated fatty acids that are necessary for optimal wellness and longevity. In other words, you must consume omega-3 essential fatty acids since the human body doesn’t create them internally.

There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids, but two of them in particular are crucial for optimum health—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is another essential omega-3 that is found in many land plants, but it plays a lesser roles in humans. Your body can also convert small amounts of ALA to DHA.

Furthermore, there are many other omega-3 fatty acids that are required for proper longevity and well-being, but EPA and DHA remain the most beneficial according to clinical research.3,4

EPA and DHA are found in many parts of the human body, particularly the membranes of cells, making them integral components of our physiology. DHA and EPA are also necessary precursors of several disease-preventing metabolites.4

Consistently using a fish oil supplement leads to EPA and DHA enriching your blood lipids, cells and tissues, which has a variety of benefits for enhancing your health and decreasing the risk of many diseases.1

What Makes Pure Nutrition USA Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA better than other Fish Oil Supplements?
Fish oil and omega-3 supplements are quite popular and have been for decades. However, not all omega-3 fish oil supplements are the same. Choosing the right omega-3 fish oil supplement will make or break your results.

Many omega-3 fish oil products provide a seemingly large content of fish oil, but the oil is poor quality and has minimal concentrations of EPA and DHA (this makes the product ineffective and rather worthless).

Pure Nutrition USA offers two Omega-3 Fish Oil supplements with research-based doses of EPA and DHA:
Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA, which is highly concentrated and provides a 2:1 ratio of EPA:DHA

Omega-3 Fish Oil 180 EPA/120 DHA, which provides a 3:2 ratio of EPA:DHA.

Always keep in mind that the amount of DHA and EPA you ingest is ultimately what will determine the results you experience from using a fish oil supplement. Pure Nutrition USA Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA is also free from impurities and resists oxidation.

Pure Nutrition USA Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA Benefits

Benefits of EPA and DHA found in Pure Nutrition USA Omega-3 Fish Oil 480 EPA/240 DHA include:3,4
*Highly concentrated source of EPA and DHA
*Promote healthy cardiovascular function
*Boost immunity
*Improve brain health and cognition
*Support healthy skin tissue
*Support proper hormone signaling
*Bolster energy production
*Enhance joint integrity and function

All Pure Nutrition products you can find at !
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Health Benefits of Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids | GuruMann

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Learn how Omega 3 fatty acids can protect you against giant killer diseases like Hypertension, heart disease, stroke and diabetes! Also get to know how you can obtain Omega 3 from diet and supplements.
A important video by GuruMann.

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Tutta la verità sugli Omega 3 | Filippo Ongaro

Omega 3, sì o no? Dati dimostrano che gli omega 3 sono molto d’aiuto nell’organismo sul piano metabolico. Ti spiego tutto nel video!
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The Truth About Fish Oil & Omega 3 ALA/DHA/EPA Vegan Sources | Dr. Milton Mills

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The Truth About Fish Oil & Omega 3 ALA/DHA/EPA Vegan Sources | Dr. Milton Mills

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The Truth About Carbohydrates & Low-Carb Diets | Dr. Milton Mills

In this video, I had the chance to interview Dr. Milton Mill about how to get omega 3 fatty acids on a vegan diet. He also shared information on fish and fish oil,, vegan ALA sources, vegan DHA/EPA supplements, and the harmful effects of high intakes of omega 6 fatty acids. Dr. Milton Mills is a medical doctor who works in the ICU department of the United Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and was also featured in the popular documentary “What The Health.”

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Fish Oil Myth: Fish oil is high in PUFA and easily goes rancid. Most fish oils on the market are rancid before they get to the consumer. Where did the fish oil fad come from? Examine the concept of “need” for Omega 3 fatty acids, and questioning the idea that you need to get any types of fatty acids from fish oil at all. Studies showing negative hormonal effects too.

The Reason and the beginning of this myth:
Fish oil is high in DHA and EPA which are commonly seen to be beneficial for heart health by lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, reducing risk of strok3 and heart attack, and reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm. However there is little to no evidence that supports this theory and has been seen as common knowledge throughout the health industry. Instead of questioning whether or not fish oil is beneficial to health doctors have just passed down this common idea throughout the decades not realizing the detrimental effects that it can actually have on human health. The first recorded prescription of fish oil was in 1789 in Manchester for the alleviation of joint pain for an elderly woman. The woman had severe joint pain and was unable to function properly, the doctor prescribed her cod liver oil to be used topically and ingested at the same time. The issues subsided. Exactly one year later the issues came back and was alleviated once again.There were a couple of things the doctor did not take into consideration however, the first being that she was taking other medication to help with the same problem. The second thing was that the woman had the same issues at the exact same time of year which could have easily been an issue with the barometric pressure of the atmosphere during that time of year putting more pressure on the joints. All this said does fish oil really help? Is it really healthy?

Fish oil is made up of almost if not purely polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is ideal for a fish that lives in a cold environment and needs a fat that is liquid at super low temperatures in order to survive. If it had saturated fat then it would stiffen up and sink straight down to the bottom of the ocean. However due to the nature of the fat this is not ideal for the human body. This means that the fat is only stable at low temperatures, when exposed to any kind of higher temperatures, or in the presence of light the fats (like omega-3) become oxidized, and produce free radicals that wreak havoc on the sensitive tissue in the human body, especially the reproductive organs, thyroid, and the brain. Obviously this mean that cooking with them is out of the question, but what about the famous fish oil supplements? The ones that are supposed to help with joint pain by lubricating your joints and help to decrease inflammation?
This is a complete lie. During the manufacturing process the fish oils are exposed to both heat and light causing them to become oxidized, and then when put into storage they are exposed to eve more light making them become even more rancid. This leads to the impossibility to find a fish oil supplement that is not oxidized and thus does not contain free radicals. This actually leads to more inflammation in the human body and causes even more joint, tissue, and brain damage.
What if I was able to find a fish oil supplement that was not oxidized and extracted properly and makes it all the way from the fish to me in one piece? With the likelihood of this being very slim, once you consume the fish oil, it does the exact same thing that it would in the manufacturing and storing process. Because the human body is of relatively high heat, especially compared to a fish, the fish oil oxidizes in the presence of that heat that is produced by the human body. It is actually called auto oxidation which is the automatic oxidation of the fish oil as soon as it is in the presence of the human body. Leading to the formation of the free radicals and all of the contributing downregulating effects.
Oxidation and free radical studies
Some of the claims of fish oil benefits are helps to prevent diabetes (proven wrong), helps prevent obesity (proven wrong), lowers blood pressure (it doesn’t), help improve cardiovascular health and hdl cholesterol (actually does the opposite), and helps with brain health(it does not).
Oxidation and free radical studies

Some of the claims of fish oil benefits are helps to prevent diabetes (proven wrong), helps prevent obesity (proven wrong), lowers blood pressure (it doesn’t), help improve cardiovascular health (actually does the opposite), and helps with brain health(it does not). The best fish oil is no fish oil at all.

All 87 omega 3 fish oil myth sources can be found here –

What Does Omega-3 Fish Oil Do? The Benefits of Antler Farms New Zealand Fish Oil by Thomas DeLauer

supplements No Comments » Why is Omega-3 one of the most important nutrients for our bodies? Thomas Delauer explains what Omega-3 does in our bodies and why Antler Farms Fish Oil is better than the rest.
It’s Thomas DeLauer with Antler Farms. And today we’re talking about Omega-3s and fish oil. We’re talking about what they really do in the body and how you can start sourcing the right kind of Omega-3s and how you can understand what truly is in an Omega-3 product. Because they’re not all created equal.

See, first off I want to talk about the three main reasons that Omega-3s are exceptionally beneficial for your body. And these are things that are going to make you quite happy because they’re things I think all of us want.

Then let’s talk about fish oil, though because it’s not all sustainable and it’s not all equal. In this particular video, I want to talk about the brand Antler Farms and their Omega-3. Okay. Antler Farms has gone above and beyond to source the right kind of sustainable fish that are still going to give us the proper ratio. You see, when it comes down to Omega-3s, there are two different kinds of fats in there. Two different kinds of Omega-3s. We have EPA and we have DHA. EPA is good for modulating inflammation throughout the course of the body. DHA is very, very good for brain health and contributing to that cellular flexibility and the membrane flexibility that we want. We need the right ratio of the two. The problem is most fish oil supplements end up having copious amounts of EPA and very little DHA, when the ideal ratio, in this particular case, is going to be a three to two. Three being EPA and two being DHA. If that ratio’s off, you don’t really have the best quality fish oil supplement. We want that ratio to be dead on.

And that’s exactly why Antler Farms takes care of all their business in New Zealand. You see, New Zealand has extremely strict fish management processes. What this means that it’s the highest quality fish but it’s also going to be the cleanest because New Zealand is such a pristine environment and the waters are so clean, you don’t have nearly as many things like toxins. You don’t have nearly as many heavy metals. You don’t nearly as many PCBs. All these things that are contributing to making a lot of the fish oils out there very, very unhealthy. This is critical and a big reason why Antler Farms’ Omega-3 is such a powerful one.


Antler Farms® is a New Zealand based producer of high quality, natural dietary supplements for sports, health and fitness. Though we are headquartered in the Canterbury region of beautiful New Zealand, we specialize in bringing our products to the North American market through our distribution center in the USA.

We know you have many choices when it comes to supplement brands. We strive for transparency, providing our customers with as much information as possible on our sources, our processes and ingredients so they can take our products with absolute confidence. We are not interested in the one time customer – because they cannot sustain a business long term. That’s why at Antler Farms®, we never cut corners when it comes to delivering the highest quality products to our customers. We know that once you feel the Antler Farms® difference, we will have a customer for life. Our guiding principle is that we would never sell a product that is not the absolute best in its field.

At Antler Farms®, we believe that what you put into your body matters, that factory farmed food products have no place in our diet, and that small companies should strive to make the best products instead of the biggest profits. We thank you for your support.

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Actualmente existen muchas marcas de Omega 3 en el mercado. Asegúrate que la que estás tomando cumpla con las más estrictas regulaciones sanitarias.

Complejo Omega 3 de Nutrilite tiene 5 filtraciones moleculares, lo que lo hace uno de los más puros y confiables del mercado mundial.

Nutrilite es la marca No. 1 del mundo en ventas de vitaminas y suplementos alimenticios. En el 2014 cumplirá 80 años de existir. Visita
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Omega 3 Fish Oil Benefits For Dry Eye and the Body

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👉👉 Click here to learn more:

👉👉 Click here to purchase the Heyedrate Omega-3:
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