Archive for the tag: Supplement

How I built a 7 figure supplement company in 6 months

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How Vitamin Pills Are Made: Inside A Supplement Factory | Myprotein

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Ever wondered how vitamin pills are made? Well it’s a pretty complex process, but we break it down by taking a behind-the-scenes look inside one of the biggest supplement factories in the world.

Myprotein Product Developer, Paul Smith-Johnson takes us around Myprotein’s factory to give us an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at how the vitamins that you take every day are made. Get an inside look at the process; it involves a lot of organisation and a lot of inspections to make sure the vitamins are up to par.


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How Vitamin Pills Are Made: Inside A Supplement Factory | Myprotein

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Optima Tablet is the quickest and simplest way to produce tablets for pharmaceutical use.
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Omega-3: Benefits, Drawbacks, & Supplement Tips

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What’s up with omega-3 fatty acids? More importantly, how can they impact your training? Coach Elizabeth covers the benefits, the drawbacks and general tips for supplementation.

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♥ Sophias | Supplement Stack | Welche Nahrungsergänzungen? ♥

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Hallo ihr Lieben!

ACHTUNG: Ich will in diesem Video keine Werbung für Supplements machen. Supplements können einen positiven Effekt haben, dieser fällt meistens geringer aus als angegeben.
Man merkt auch nur dann einen Unterschied wenn die Ernährung und das Training bereits darauf ausgelegt sind eine körperliche Veränderung zu erzielen.
Bei Proteinpulvern möglichst bei etablierten Herstellern einkaufen, der Protein / Kohlenhydrate / Fett Anteil wird oft falsch dargestellt und große Marken können sich keinen Skandal erlauben.
Generell empfehle ich euch Zink, Vitamin D3 und Omega 3 ( Als Vegetarier bzw. Veganer auch Vitamin B12) zu ergänzen.

Ich hoffe das Video hat euch gefallen und ich würde mich wie immer sehr über einen Daumen hoch und ein Abo freuen 🙂

Viel Spaß!
Eure Sophia 🙂

Werbung: Und wer mit mir gemeinsam trainieren möchte, das geht jetzt hier ►

Und hier findet ihr noch das letzte Video falls ihr es noch nicht gesehen habt:

Mehr Videos von mir findet ihr auf Ercans Channel:
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How to “Pack on Mass Fast!”… (SUPPLEMENT)

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Tested. Trusted. Truth in Supplementation –
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It is not uncommon for me to get asked how to pack on mass fast, especially when the person asking is a skinny hardgainer who has a hard time putting on weight. That said, when you combine that request with the additional desire to do this the “fastest way possible”. That complicates an already complicating situation and usually makes those asking look for unrealistic solutions. In this video, I’m going to share with you a situation that played out just the other day and underscore just how misleading the supposed “solution” can be.

First a little background on the story. A young high school student from the UK wrote to us and wanted to know “how to pack on mass the fastest way possible”. He claimed that he was underweight and really struggled to add muscle mass. He wanted to add significant size to his undersized body in time for his next sports season. This led him to looking into the prospect of taking a mass gainer shake. He wanted to know what my opinion was on the matter and what I would recommend he take.

Now, since my motivation is always to attempt to help first rather than sell, I did not try and push my supplements or any other on him. Instead, I told him to watch the video I did on mass gainers and weight gainer powders. I provided him with the link to the video and told him that there was valuable information in there to help him reach a decision about focusing instead on real quality food rather than relying on a bottle of supplements at this point.

He countered by saying that while he did watch the video, he felt that he came upon a mass gainer that was not like the rest of them. This one was good he said. I requested he send over the nutrition facts on the supplement so I could do a rare review of the product and see if I could validate his claims of this being superior.

What I uncovered was not at all surprising really, but it is no less disappointing. What looks to be a weight gainer with 51 grams of protein and 40 servings per bottle is no more than a sugar and fat loaded supplement that is providing a 6 day supply when used as directed to obtain your protein and calories you thought you were buying it for in the first place.

This is just one of the many games that supplement manufacturers will play with their customers that not only pisses me off, but led me to creating my own line in the first place. You simply just don’t know what is in your supplements these days, and when you add in the fact that many product creators are willing to try and play word games with their labels in an effort to potentially mislead the consumer into thinking the supplement is far better than it is…I have a problem with that.

If you are looking for a supplement lineup that is not only tested and trusted but is used by today’s top professional athletes in all 4 major sports as well as the WWE and UFC, head to and check out the ATHLEAN-Rx supplements. Supplementation is not necessary for everyone however. If you are not willing to clean up your diet and nutrition plan but want to look for a shortcut solution in a bottle, it’s not going to work. There will never be a substitute for hard work.

For more videos on creatine, beta alanine, and the best supplements for building muscle and getting ripped, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at
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The Supplement Timeline (What Age – Which Supplements!)

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Stop taking supplements you can’t trust. Get Jeff Cavaliere’s exact supplements here

When it comes to taking supplements, there are a lot of questions as to when you should begin taking them and which ones are better than others. I think you have to start by breaking down the nutritional supplements into categories. In this video, I categorize multivitamins, specialty vitamins, protein powders, pre workouts, creatine, BCAA’s, creatine, omega-3’s and joint recovery formulas. Each group is discussed in relation to one of four age brackets regarding their appropriateness.

All of the supplements discussed are ones that I take myself and would recommend to others. You will not see any testosterone boosters or pro hormones because I don’t believe in them or recommend them to my viewers. Even the pre workout supplements must undergo severe scrutiny based on the dangers that have been shown to riddle that product category for the past couple of years.

All that said however, I make it very clear that any supplementation plan must start with a commitment to good nutrition. If you think that you are going to make up for a bad diet by taking supplements you are flat out fooling yourself, and likely wasting a lot of money. Supplements are meant to supplement a good nutrition plan. When you have a dedication to eating well, not perfect, but well…supplements can be a savior and a huge difference maker as they really help with the consistency needed to see great results.

Some manufacturers want you to believe that their supplement will help you overcome poor nutrition. They will make you think that you can simply sleep your way to a six pack. It’s laughable and dishonest to say the least. The hard truth of the matter is that high quality nutrition is a must if you want to really see the fastest and best results possible.

That said, ATHLEAN-X is committed to both proper nutrition and high quality, safe supplements. Through our X-Factor meal plan, available in the ATHLEAN-X Training System, and the Rx supplements we provide our program followers with all the tools needed to make a big difference in how they look in just 90 days. If you want to get either or both, you can head to and start eating and training like an athlete.

For more videos on supplement reviews and the best supplements to take to build muscle, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at
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Hey Everyone!

Welcome to *Supplements 101*

This is a series I have been meaning to bring to my youtube channel for quite some time. I am also ecstatic to have Lance, with Firebird Nutrition, assisting me in bringing knowledgable advice and guidance to my Youtube Channel.

This series begins with the basics, 4 items I benefited from in the earliest stages of my fitness career:

1.Whey & Casein Protein
2. BCAA w/Glutamine
3. Fish Oil
4. Multi-Vitamin

Also, a complimentary Beginner Supplement Guide is provided at the end of this video.

Safety Notice: I want to make this clear, though we are knowledgable professionals, we are in no way licensed physicians… And we are not YOUR licensed physician. Lance and I recommend you speak with your physician before engaging in new exercise routines and products that may cause harm to your health.

Visit for any of your supplement needs. Also, if you reside in the Phoenix/Metropolitan area, Lance would love to assist you with any of your supplement questions/product needs.

Thank you for subscribing 🙂
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