Archive for the tag: Thomas

After how many days menses happens if hormone pills are taken for missed periods-Dr. Teena S Thomas

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After how many days menses happens if hormone pills are taken for missed periods-Dr. Teena S Thomas

After 3 months of missed periods it is always advised to first take pregnancy test then if its negative and penorit is taken, penorit is usually the combination of estrogen and progesterone pills which are taken to withdraw the bleed.Usually penorit is given for 10 days, morning and evening twice daily and its observed that menses resume after 10 days of taking the last pill.

What causes delayed periods after taking emergency pills? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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Emergency contraception is a progestrone called Levonorgestrel. This has to be taken within 72 hrs of unprotected sex.Basic side effect is irregular bleeding, therefore possibilities of delay by 6 days or it has come early. If patient takes emergency contraceptive in 4th or 5 th day of period then cycle will come within a week.Bleeding can happen in 1 week and repeat bleeding after 1 more week.Patient may have no bleeding as this was not required hence cycle can be delayed by 3 or 4 weeks. there is no relation to menses which was delayed 6 days now as compared o last time.Emergency contraception should not be taken for regular contraception , if taken regularly this will cause irregular bleeding.

I had this question the other day after reading or hearing something. I dug into what information I could find online, and figured there were other ladies out there with the same curiosity. While there was less out there on this topic than I was expecting I got my question answered.

I got a bit of flack in my last video about chemicals. Apparently I shouldn’t just say “chemicals” because some may be confused due to the fact everything is made from chemicals. So, I just want to start by saying that the chemicals I’m talking about are those that are being put into things that are causing harm, such as those that are endocrine disruptors, messing with not only the female reproductive system, but the male reproductive system as well. We wonder why so many girls and women have messed up menstrual cycles, and I think what’s in our environment has a lot to do with it.

I’m sure almost everyone has heard the term “endocrine disruptor”, but who’s taken the time to look into it? I’m just now taking the time. Let’s learn together!

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When does one get period after contraceptive pills? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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If the patient is on oral contraceptive pills, then the pills are taken for 21 days, then 7 days pill free period, then 21 days pill period, then it goes on like that. So in this 7 days pill free period, the first day or the 7th day or any time in between will get the periods. So if the patient has taken the pill 21-7, 21-7, then the period will happen in those 7 days, then it is a consecutive pill, that is you have taken the pill without any gaps. So when you do that then there will be no period is between unless you have missed a pill of the consecutive 2 or 3 packets that you have taken and the periods will resume only when you have stopped the entire packets. So if it is consecutively taken then the periods will start only after stopping the consecutive packets or missing the pill or if it is intermittent it will happen in the 7 days when there is pill free period.

How soon can one get pregnant after stopping birth control pills? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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Oral contraceptive pills are basically taken to avoid pregnancy. So they are a means of contraception. So the basic work of this contraceptive pills is it gives the body enough hormones to the body in such an amount that ovulation does not happen, these pills have no relation with in future the patient not getting pregnant. So they act on that cycle to avoid ovulation. So basically you would have taken a pill for 1 year, 2 year, 6 year or 10 years, the month you stop the pill, the next month if there is no ovulation, you conceive. So the month you finish your pills, that is the end of the pill effect. The next month you can try pregnancy and get pregnant.
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Can absent periods be a side effect of contraceptives? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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Emergency contraceptive pills is called as LNG or the levonorgestrel which is taken within 3 days or 72 hours of unprotected sexual activity, Basically your expect a period after emergency contraceptive pills, maximum is say 2 weeks or 15 days. But there are times when you do not get a period after that, so such a case with negative urine pregnancy test, it doesn’t mean that it is a side effects of a pill. It just means that the emergency contraceptive pills, would have been taken very early that is early in the cycle and she would have taken. So there is nothing much to bleed. She would have spotted which she wouldn’t have realized, so there is nothing much to bleed. Second is complication of the pills, that is absent bled, so wait for couple of weeks, it will come, wait for few weeks If it doesn’t come then give a small hormonal pill and get a withdrawal bleed. so if the pregnancy test is negative, both the urine and the blood tests, then there is no periods after the emergency contraceptive pills, there is nothing to worry, just get it normally with a delayed period, withdraw it with a hormone and get it.
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What Does Omega-3 Fish Oil Do? The Benefits of Antler Farms New Zealand Fish Oil by Thomas DeLauer

supplements No Comments » Why is Omega-3 one of the most important nutrients for our bodies? Thomas Delauer explains what Omega-3 does in our bodies and why Antler Farms Fish Oil is better than the rest.
It’s Thomas DeLauer with Antler Farms. And today we’re talking about Omega-3s and fish oil. We’re talking about what they really do in the body and how you can start sourcing the right kind of Omega-3s and how you can understand what truly is in an Omega-3 product. Because they’re not all created equal.

See, first off I want to talk about the three main reasons that Omega-3s are exceptionally beneficial for your body. And these are things that are going to make you quite happy because they’re things I think all of us want.

Then let’s talk about fish oil, though because it’s not all sustainable and it’s not all equal. In this particular video, I want to talk about the brand Antler Farms and their Omega-3. Okay. Antler Farms has gone above and beyond to source the right kind of sustainable fish that are still going to give us the proper ratio. You see, when it comes down to Omega-3s, there are two different kinds of fats in there. Two different kinds of Omega-3s. We have EPA and we have DHA. EPA is good for modulating inflammation throughout the course of the body. DHA is very, very good for brain health and contributing to that cellular flexibility and the membrane flexibility that we want. We need the right ratio of the two. The problem is most fish oil supplements end up having copious amounts of EPA and very little DHA, when the ideal ratio, in this particular case, is going to be a three to two. Three being EPA and two being DHA. If that ratio’s off, you don’t really have the best quality fish oil supplement. We want that ratio to be dead on.

And that’s exactly why Antler Farms takes care of all their business in New Zealand. You see, New Zealand has extremely strict fish management processes. What this means that it’s the highest quality fish but it’s also going to be the cleanest because New Zealand is such a pristine environment and the waters are so clean, you don’t have nearly as many things like toxins. You don’t have nearly as many heavy metals. You don’t nearly as many PCBs. All these things that are contributing to making a lot of the fish oils out there very, very unhealthy. This is critical and a big reason why Antler Farms’ Omega-3 is such a powerful one.


Antler Farms® is a New Zealand based producer of high quality, natural dietary supplements for sports, health and fitness. Though we are headquartered in the Canterbury region of beautiful New Zealand, we specialize in bringing our products to the North American market through our distribution center in the USA.

We know you have many choices when it comes to supplement brands. We strive for transparency, providing our customers with as much information as possible on our sources, our processes and ingredients so they can take our products with absolute confidence. We are not interested in the one time customer – because they cannot sustain a business long term. That’s why at Antler Farms®, we never cut corners when it comes to delivering the highest quality products to our customers. We know that once you feel the Antler Farms® difference, we will have a customer for life. Our guiding principle is that we would never sell a product that is not the absolute best in its field.

At Antler Farms®, we believe that what you put into your body matters, that factory farmed food products have no place in our diet, and that small companies should strive to make the best products instead of the biggest profits. We thank you for your support.

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Actualmente existen muchas marcas de Omega 3 en el mercado. Asegúrate que la que estás tomando cumpla con las más estrictas regulaciones sanitarias.

Complejo Omega 3 de Nutrilite tiene 5 filtraciones moleculares, lo que lo hace uno de los más puros y confiables del mercado mundial.

Nutrilite es la marca No. 1 del mundo en ventas de vitaminas y suplementos alimenticios. En el 2014 cumplirá 80 años de existir. Visita
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