Archive for the tag: U.S.

Documentary: Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much?

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“Money and Medicine,” a documentary set to air Sept. 25 on PBS, investigates some of the most notorious drivers of U.S. health care costs. Ray Suarez speaks with Roger Weisberg, the producer and director of the film, about some of the reasons these costs are driving the nation toward financial crisis — while still producing relatively mediocre medical results.

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In Trenton, Tenn., and similar rural communities around the country, many residents are underinsured or uninsured and struggle with medical costs, often forgoing care. This burdens local hospitals, which in turn close or scale back care, putting patients at risk. Photo: Clara Ritger/The Wall Street Journal

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Why the U.S. pays more for health care than the rest of the world

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Why the U.S. pays more for health care than the rest of the world

Why are American health care costs by far the highest in the world? Journalist and former practicing physician Elisabeth Rosenthal chronicles how we got here in her new book, “An American Sickness.” Economics correspondent Paul Solman talks with Rosenthal about the forces driving high prices and what could be done to bring costs down.
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